
    Coal Burst Tendency Classification Based on Attribute Mathematical Model

    • 摘要: 针对目前煤的冲击倾向性判别方法中存在的不足,基于属性数学理论和方法,建立了煤的冲击倾向性属性综合评价模型。模型选用煤的弹性能量指数、冲击能量指数、单轴抗压强度、动态破坏时间4项指标作为煤的冲击倾向性的评价指标;应用属性数学理论,构造了各项指标的属性测度函数,定义了单指标属性测度和综合属性测度的计算方法;采用相似数和相似权法客观确定各项指标的权重系数,用置信度准则进行属性识别,给出评价结果。评价结果与熵权-理想点法和模糊综合评价法,评价结果一致,验证了该方法用于煤的冲击倾向性分类的有效性。


      Abstract: Aiming at the shortcomings in discrimination method of coal burst tendency, a coal burst tendency attribute comprehensive evaluation model is built based on mathematical theory and method. Elastic energy index of coal, impact energy index, uniaxial compressive strength, dynamic failure time, four burst indicators are selected as a coal seam tendentious evaluation of model. It constructs a various indicators' attribute measure function, defines the single-indicators attribute measure and the consolidated attribute measure method of calculating by the application of attribute mathematical theory. At last, it adopts a similar count and similarity rights law to objectively determine various indicators' weight coefficients, and uses the confidence criterion to conduct attribute for recognition. The result of the evaluation is same with the comparison between the methods of weight-ideal point method as well as fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, which proves that the method is effective.


