Discrete and Modal Early Warning of Coal and Gas Outburst Based on Time Series of Gas Emission
Graphical Abstract
In order to realize the dynamic and real-time early warning of coal and gas outburst danger in working face, a discrete modal early warning method based on time series of gas emission is proposed. The methane monitoring data of the coal mine in the real time was used to calculate the gas emission, then the discrete time series of gas emission is generated and the interval is divided. The critical values of early warning indicators for coal and gas outburst were determined according to the gas geological conditions of the mine, the occurrence status of coal seams in the mining area, the mechanism of gas disasters, the historical records of gas emission anomalies, and the precursor information records of gas outbursts in similar working faces. According to the comparison between the modal parameters of the time series and the critical values of the early-warning indicators, the early-warning results of coal and gas outburst danger are released.