Application of Coal Seam Outburst Prevention and Early Warning Technology in Deep Dynamic Disasters of Pingmei No.13 Coal Mine
Graphical Abstract
The outburst risk factors of Ji15-17 coal seam in Pingmei No. 13 coal mine were studied, eight warning indicators were established from the aspects of the distance between the working face and the footwall of fault, the distance between the working face and the stress concentration area, soft stratification thickness, the change rate of coal thickness, daily prediction, dynamic phenomena, gas emission, and defects of anti-outburst measures. The coal and gas outburst warning system was constructed which consists of early-warning database, mining progress management subsystem, geological survey management subsystem, anti-outburst dynamic management subsystem, gas geological analysis subsystem, gas emission analysis subsystem, early-warning information query website, early-warning SMS release subsystem and outburst warning management platform, and safeguard mechanism was established.