Study on visualization of thermodynamic disaster in coal mine based on knowledge map
摘要: 为探究煤矿热动力灾害的研究动态,基于信息可视化的角度,以2002—2021年间CNKI数据库中已发表的2 845篇该领域相关论文为数据源,利用CiteSpace对发文量、作者、机构、关键词等进行科学计量分析。研究表明:煤矿热动力灾害的研究总体呈缓慢增长、稳步增长、稳定发展3个阶段;邓军、王德明、余明高、文虎等学者为该领域的主要核心作者,中国矿业大学、西安科技大学、辽宁工程技术大学、中国矿业大学(北京)等为该领域的主要研究机构;热点关键词主要聚焦于瓦斯爆炸、煤自燃、数值模拟、采空区等;该领域的研究重点主要体现在煤的自燃特性研究、煤矿瓦斯爆炸研究,其中数值模拟是重要的研究手段;目前对于煤矿热动力复合灾害和灾害监测预警方面的研究较少,今后可加强对这2方面的研究。Abstract: In order to explore the research trends of thermodynamic disaster in coal mine, based on the perspective of information visualization, 2 845 related papers published in CNKI database from 2002 to 2021 were used as data sources, and CiteSpace was used to conduct scientific measurement analysis on the number of papers, authors, institutions and keywords. The research shows that the research on thermodynamic disaster in coal mine generally shows three stages: slow growth, steady growth and stable development. DENG Jun, WANG Deming, YU Minggao, WEN Hu are the main core authors in this field. China University of Mining and Technology, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Liaoning Technical University, China University of Mining & Technology(Beijing) are the main research institutions in this field. Hot keywords mainly focus on gas explosion, coal spontaneous combustion, numerical simulation, mined-out area, etc. The research emphasis in this field is mainly embodied in the research of spontaneous combustion characteristics of coal and gas explosion, in which numerical simulation is an important research method. At present, there are few studies on coal mine thermal power compound disasters and disaster monitoring and early warning. In the future, the research on these two aspects can be strengthened.
- coal mine thermodynamic disaster /
- knowledge map /
- CiteSpace /
- keywords clustering /
- visualization
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