• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


李 坤, 张 杰

李 坤, 张 杰. 空气定向钻进智能多功能除尘车研制与应用[J]. 煤矿安全, 2023, 54(2): 223-228.
引用本文: 李 坤, 张 杰. 空气定向钻进智能多功能除尘车研制与应用[J]. 煤矿安全, 2023, 54(2): 223-228.
LI Kun, ZHANG Jie. Development and application of intelligent multi-functional dust removal system for air directional drilling[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2023, 54(2): 223-228.
Citation: LI Kun, ZHANG Jie. Development and application of intelligent multi-functional dust removal system for air directional drilling[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2023, 54(2): 223-228.


Development and application of intelligent multi-functional dust removal system for air directional drilling

  • 摘要: 为解决碎软煤层空气定向钻进施工过程中粉尘污染、螺杆马达润滑不良、易发生孔内高温的问题,首次研制了一型空气定向钻进用智能多功能除尘车,开发了额定处理能力32 m3/min的湿式射流孔口除尘系统,解决了施工过程中的煤尘污染问题;研制了空气螺杆马达自动油雾润滑系统,实现了润滑介质的长距离输送和螺杆马达的持续润滑,保障了马达使用寿命;搭建了自动孔内应急降温系统,通过对孔口进风和孔内返风温度的实时监测与计算,系统可自动判断孔内温度异常,并自主采取降温措施,降低了钻孔施工过程中孔内火灾的发生风险;构建了压风监测预警系统,实现了对压风流量、压力和温度数据的实时监控和异常预警。空气定向钻进智能多功能除尘车的成功研制,解决了空气定向钻进施工中的关键问题,为碎软煤层空气定向钻进技术和“一孔两消”瓦斯治理模式的推广与应用奠定了装备基础。
    Abstract: In order to solve the problems of dust pollution, poor lubrication of screw motor and overtemperature in the hole during air directional drilling in broken soft coal seams, an intelligent multifunctional dust removal system was developed for the first time, with a rated processing capacity of 32 m3/min orifice dust collector system to solve the problem of dust pollution during construction; the oil mist automatic lubrication system of air screw motor is developed, which realizes long-distance transmission of lubricating medium and continuous lubrication of screw motor, and ensures the service life of motor; an automatic emergency cooling system has been set up, which can automatically judge the abnormal temperature in the hole and take cooling measures independently to eliminate the risk of combustion of coal seam during drilling by real-time monitoring and calculation of the inlet air temperature and the return air temperature in the hole. Meanwhile, an air pressure and temperature monitoring and warning system is built to monitor the pressure air flow timely. The successful development of the multifunctional auxiliary system has solved the key problems of air directional drilling and laid a foundation for the promotion and application of the air directional drilling technology in broken soft coal seams and the “one hole and two elimination” gas control mode.
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