Study on un-sticking mechanism of near horizontal hole in soft coal seam
摘要: 为了减少松软煤层卡钻事故的发生,分析了近水平孔卡钻的原因及卡钻的形成过程,并建立了各阶段的卡钻力学模型。通过对卡钻主要影响因素的分析,得出解卡的关键在于减小岩屑堆积的密实度和提升排渣效率,以此指导了L型螺旋槽钻杆的结构及功能设计。通过对U型槽螺旋钻杆、三棱钻杆和L型螺旋槽钻杆的排渣性能进行试验对比,验证了L型螺旋槽钻杆的排渣性能最优。通过现场试验验证了L型螺旋槽钻杆较市场上常用的U型槽螺旋槽钻杆更优。Abstract: In order to reduce the occurrence of drilling accidents in soft coal seams, this paper analyzes the causes of near-horizontal hole drilling under the coal mine and the formation process of jamming, and establishes a drilling mechanical model for each stage. Through the analysis of the main influencing factors of the sticking drilling, it is concluded that the key to solve the sticking drilling is to reduce the compactness of debris accumulation and improve the slag discharge efficiency. This guides the structure and functional design of the L-shaped spiral groove drill pipe. Through the test comparison of the slag discharge performance of U-shaped groove spiral drill pipe, triangular drill pipe and L-shaped spiral groove drill pipe, it is verified that the slag discharge performance of L-shaped spiral groove drill pipe is optimal. Through the field test, it is verified that the L-shaped spiral groove drill pipe is better than the U-shaped spiral groove drill pipe commonly used in the market.
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