Study on preparation and performance of mine superabsorbent fire prevention and extinguishing gel
摘要: 为了封堵煤层裂隙,减少采空区漏风,降低煤体温度,从根本上抑制煤炭氧化过程;以羧甲基纤维素钠为基体、丙烯酰胺和丙烯酸为单体,在引发剂和交联剂作用下,采用交联法接枝聚合成一种超吸水防灭火凝胶材料;对凝胶进行了红外光谱分析、热重分析、扫描电子显微分析等表征手段,并测试了其防灭火性能。结果表明:凝胶内部具有多孔微观结构,表面结构致密可锁住水分,吸水倍率最高可达420,耐盐倍率56,保水性和填充密闭性好,阻化率大于45%,能够携带大量水分对顶板煤层及采空区进行防灭火,应用场景广泛。Abstract: In order to seal the coal seam fissures, reduce the air leakage in the mining area, lower the temperature of the coal body and fundamentally inhibit the coal oxidation process, a superabsorbent anti-fire suppression gel material was polymerized by grafting with sodium carboxymethyl cellulose as the matrix, acrylamide and acrylic acid as the monomers, under the action of initiator and cross-linker by the cross-linking method. The gel was characterized by infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and scanning electron microscopy analysis, and its fire prevention performance was tested. The results show that the gel has porous microstructure inside, dense surface structure can lock water, water absorption multiplier is up to 420, salt resistance multiplier is 56, water retention and filling confinement is good, blocking rate is more than 45%, which can carry a large amount of water to the roof coal seam and mining area for anti-fire suppression with a wide range of application scenarios.
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