Research on air flow and dust distribution law of heading face under different ventilation modes and air pressures
摘要: 为解不同的通风方法和压风风量对掘进工作面粉尘分布规律的影响,建立了乌东煤矿西区掘进工作面的1∶1物理模型,利用Ansys Fluent软件对压入式、混合式通风条件下的掘进工作面粉尘运移情况进行数值模拟;在混合式通风条件下改变压风量,观察粉尘扩散的规律。结果表明:压入式通风无法有效控制粉尘运移,而混合式通风的情况下粉尘得到了有效的控制;不同的压风量会产生不同的控尘效果;当压风量为150~250 m3/min时,压风量过小,导致粉尘堆积在巷道前部;而压风量为350 m3/min以上时,因为压风量过大,导致粉尘在被除尘风机净化前就被风流裹挟扩散至巷道后部,使得控尘效果较差;当压风量为300 m3/min时,控尘效果最佳,高浓度粉尘被控制在巷道距离迎头25 m内。Abstract: In order to determine the influence of different ventilation methods and pressure air volume on the dust distribution law of the heading face, a 1∶1 physical model of the heading face in the west area of Wudong Coal Mine was established. Numerical simulation was carried out on the dust migration of the heading face, and then the pressure air volume was changed under the mixed ventilation condition to observe the law of dust diffusion. The results show that the pressure-entry ventilation cannot effectively control the dust migration, but the dust can be effectively controlled under the mixed ventilation. At the same time, different pressure air volume will produce different dust control effects. When the pressure air volume is 150-250 m3/min, the pressure air volume is too small, causing dust to accumulate in the front of the roadway; however, when the pressure air volume is above 350 m3/min, dust will be carried by wind and spread to the back of the roadway before being purified by the dust removal fan, which makes the dust control effect poor; when the pressure air volume is 300 m3/min, the dust control effect is the best, and the high-concentration dust is controlled in the roadway within 25 m from the head.
- heading face /
- mixed ventilation /
- ventilation optimization /
- compressed air volume /
- dust control
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