
    Development of a three-level intelligent integrated management and control platform

    • 摘要: 利用大数据、人工智能、边缘计算、云计算等新一代信息技术,通过建设集团公司企业私有云、区域子公司/煤矿数据中心(边缘云)、中台和业务系统,从集团层级自顶向下打造基于云平台技术的“集团公司-区域子公司-煤矿”三级架构的智能化综合管控平台。集团公司层级以监管和数据赋能为核心,建设“集团公司智能化综合监管赋能平台”,对所有下属区域子公司及煤矿的生产、安全、经营等海量数据进行治理、挖掘,开展智能分析和决策模型训练,为集团公司的决策提供依据;区域子公司层级以管理和经营为核心,构建“区域子公司业务综合管理平台”,围绕企业下属煤矿生产情况实现对各矿井生产、安全、经营数据的统计与分析,在集团层级平台的支持下,对各种指标参数进行分析、优化,给出不断改进、增强企业运行质量的方案;煤矿层级以安全生产为核心,构建“煤矿智能化综合协同管控平台”,接入煤矿生产、安全、经营等系统,实时掌握本矿厂安全生产状况,并对各安全报警、故障、隐患及指令进行及时跟踪执行处理,接收集团公司、区域子公司安全生产决策分析结果,辅助本矿井安全生产。


      Abstract: During the development of intelligent coal mines, coal mines usually build the private clouds and the intelligent integrated management and control platform without the group-level planning, which results in information islands, difficulties in data fusion and data mining. With the utilization of the new generation information technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, edge computing and cloud computing, a three-level intelligent integrated control platform of the group, regional branch and coal mines was built. The platform included group-level private clouds, regional-branch-level and coal-mine-level data centers, as well as middle ground and application systems. At the group-level, an intelligent group platform with supervision function carried out intelligent analysis and intelligent model training with the massive data mining from production, safety and business operation, so that the platform could provide vital information for the group’s decision making. At the regional-branch-level, an intelligent regional-branch platform with management and operation functions was built, which provided continuous improvement and enhancement feedback to the regional branch, with the support of the group-level platform and statistical analysis of the production, safety and business operation data of subordinate coal mines. At the coal-mine-level, an intelligent coal-mine platform with cooperative management and control functions was built, which connected with the systems of production, safety and business operation, and processed all the safety alarms, faults and potential safety risks in par with the assistance of the group-level and the regional-branch-level platforms.


