
    Influence of coal particle size on gas adsorption equilibrium time

    • 摘要: 煤体粉化程度的大小易导致煤中瓦斯吸附状态的差异,对煤孔内瓦斯的运移时间具有重要影响,研究结果对提高煤中瓦斯含量测定精度具有重要作用。以马场矿4个粒径级别粉煤为研究对象,开展了各粒径煤粉的吸附量及吸附平衡时间等吸附性能测定工作。主要研究结论如下:粒径级越小,煤样吸附瓦斯量越大,测定结果可分为“微米级、十微米及小粒径百微米级、大粒径百微米级及毫米级”4个等温线分级;同时,煤样吸附平衡时间随粒径减小而急剧缩短,即由毫米级粒径煤样的数天,缩短至微米级粒径煤样的5 min,说明粒径的改变,可直接影响煤样内瓦斯扩散路径的复杂程度,进而影响吸附平衡时间。综合分析可知,百微米粒径煤样可明显缩短吸附平衡时间且提高瓦斯含量测定精度。


      Abstract: The degree of coal pulverization leads to the difference of gas adsorption state in coal, which has an important impact on the gas migration time in coal pores. The research results play an important role in improving the accuracy of gas content determination in coal. In this paper, coal samples from Machang Mine were chosen as the research object to observe the relationship between particle size and the equilibrium time, the adsorption isotherms and the adsorption equilibrium time of coal with four degrees of particle sizes are measured in the laboratory. The conclusions are as follows: the smaller the degree of particle sizes is, the larger the gas adsorption capacity of coal sample is. The isotherms can be divided into four parts: “micron, ten microns and small particle size hundred microns, large particle size hundred microns and millimeter”. With the increase of particle size degree, coal sample adsorption equilibrium time is rapidly increasing, in which, the adsorption equilibrium time for the coal sample with the minimum particle size was only 5 min, but for the largest particle size was more than dozens of days, which means that the impact of diffusion path will increase rapidly with the increase of degree of particle sizes. Comprehensive analysis shows that the adsorption equilibrium time of coal sample with 100 μm particle size can be significantly shortened and the gas content determination accuracy can be improved.


