
    The Comprehensive Technology of Fire Prevention and Extinguishing at the First Mining Face in Beixinyao Coal Mine

    • 摘要: 北辛窑矿首采面面临上部采空区火区位置不明、缺少快速高效治理火区的综合防灭火系统以及回采期间老空区气体可能涌入工作面等问题。结合北辛窑矿首采面的实际条件,有针对性地制定了采用钻孔测温测气的方法进行火区探测,建立以灌注三相阻化泡沫为主的综合防灭火系统,在回采期间采用均压通风手段防止有害气体涌入工作面的措施。通过以上措施的实施,有效防止了上部采空区火区对首采面的危害,保证了北辛窑矿首采面的顺利推进。


      Abstract: The first mining face of Beixinyao Coal Mine facing the the problems of unknown location of fire zone in the upper goafs, the lack of a comprehensive fire prevention systems that can fast and efficiently govern the fire, as well as the possible gas-inrush from the goafs during the mining. Combined with the actual conditions of the first mining face, the paper developed the measures of using drilling temperature and gas measuring method to detect the fire zone; establishing a comprehensive fire prevention systems of perfusing three-phase retarding foam; taking measures such as uniform pressure ventilation technology to prevent the inrush of harmful gases to the face during mining. The above measures effectively prevent hazards from the fire zone in the upper goafs, and ensure the safe recovery of the first mining face of Beixinyao Coal Mine.


