Application of Outburst Elimination Technology for Pre-pumping Coal Seam Gas of Long Boreholes Along Seam in Pansan Coal Mine
Graphical Abstract
Pansan Coal Mine of Huainan Mining Group is a typical coal and gas outburst mine. Aiming at the problems of long outburst eliminating period, large projects and slow driving for outburst prevention measures of drilling pre-pumping coal seam, the regional outburst prevention measures of drilling along coal seam and pre-pumping the coal seam gas of roadway strip were tested at 17171(1) track and transport crossheading. Since the outburst prevention measures of long drilling along coal seam and pre-pumping the coal seam gas were taken, the max remaining gas content was 4.17 m3/t in coal seam, the max remaining gas pressure was 0.32 MPa. Drilling crumbs amount S was between 4.0~ 5.4 kg/m, initial velocity q of borehole gas emission was between 0.9~2.7 L/min, both S and q were not beyond the standard. Gas concentration was not overrun, gas emission decreased in the roadway, the measures eliminated the risk of coal and gas outburst effectively, thus safe and rapid excavation of the working face was achieved.