Accurate and Rapid Method of Producing Blanking File for TEM Sector Advanced Detection Based on Surfer
Graphical Abstract
This paper presented an accurate and rapid new method of producing surfer blanking file in order to solve the malpractices of production blanking file of TEM sector advance detection about self-contained digital function of the surfer software, and analyzed the data structure of surfer blanking file, and defined the concept of standard blanking file, and studied the mathematical principle and algorithm of the accurate and rapid production of surfer blanking file. Additionally, a corresponding Matlab program is written in this paper. Compared with the traditional method of producing blanking file about the digital function of the surfer software, the comparison experiment shows that: when blanking processes one sector-shaped section, the time of producing blanking file is 1/247 of the traditional method, and its position of blanking sampling point is highly accurate, but positioning error of blanking sampling point of the traditional method is large; when blanking processes multiple sector-shaped sections, it can also reflect the advantages and efficiency of the accurate and fast generation method of surfer blanking file.