Study on Influence of Coaching Leadership on Safety Behavior in Coal Mining Enterprises Based on Mediating Effect of Employee Happiness
Graphical Abstract
Based on the new leadership style, this study explores the path to influence the safety behavior of coal mine employees, and constructs the theoretical model of the relationship between coaching leadership, employee happiness and safety behavior. Firstly, define two variables, coaching leadership and safety behavior, and make it clear that employee happiness includes three dimensions: life happiness, work happiness and psychological happiness. Then, we collected data through questionnaire survey, analyzed data using structural equation model and Bootstrap test, and empirically tested the relationship between coaching leadership and safety behavior in coal mining enterprises and the mediating role of employee happiness. The results show that coached leadership of coal mine enterprises has significant positive influence on the three dimensions of safety behavior and employee happiness, and employee happiness plays an intermediary role in the influence of coached leadership on safety behavior, and the mediating effect of job happiness is the most significant. Specifically, the higher the role level of coaching leadership behavior in coal mine enterprises is, the higher the happiness of employees will be induced, and the better the safety behavior performance of employees will be.