Law of Major & Particular Major Coal Mine Flooding Accidents in China from 2000 to 2017
Graphical Abstract
To deeply understand the law of major & particular major coal mine flooding accidents in China during the period from 2000 to 2017, the periodic characteristic of accidents, occurrence time of accidents, filling water factors, regions of accidents and risk factors of accidents were analyzed by applying the multiple statistical analysis methods. The results show that the period from March to May and the time from 12:00 to 14:00 are the high incidence time of major & particular major coal mine flooding accidents, but there are relatively less accidents in February. The accidents occur in village, town and private coal mines, especially in Shanxi Province are more serious. The accidents are more prone to occur on the heading face. The goaf water and underground water are the biggest threats. The personnel factors are the most difficult to control and the management factors and environmental factors are more complex than equipment factors.