Surrounding Rock Destruction Characteristics and Support Parameters Optimization of Mining Roadway in Jinjie Mine
Graphical Abstract
According to the deformation characteristics and stability control of surrounding rock of roadway, based on the deformation characteristics of surrounding rock, the anchoring support parameters of a working face in Jinjie Mine were optimized. Through the field test and numerical simulation analysis of borehole peeping, core test and loose circle test, the distribution law of surrounding rock stress and surrounding rock failure characteristics of mining roadway affected by mining are analyzed, and the roadway support parameters are optimized. The results show that the surrounding rock of the two sides of roadway is not damaged and the top and bottom plates are intact after the mining face is affected; the roof and the two supporting parameters reduce the support strength after the optimization. The engineering practice shows that the optimized support parameters can effectively control the surrounding rock deformation of the roadway, save the support cost and improve the tunneling efficiency.