JIN Mingfang, LI Songying, WANG Enying. Effect of Anticline on Control of Coal Mine Disaster[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2019, 50(2): 43-47.
    Citation: JIN Mingfang, LI Songying, WANG Enying. Effect of Anticline on Control of Coal Mine Disaster[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2019, 50(2): 43-47.

    Effect of Anticline on Control of Coal Mine Disaster

    • In order to accurately understand the influence of the anticline of “three soft coal seam” in western Henan Province on the mine disaster, to provide the basis for mine disaster prevention, this research is based on the theory of gas geology, through data statistics, structural stress analysis and AHP method, combining with the actual revealed geological data, the control effect of mine disaster in Yi’an anticline is analyzed. The results show that the Yi’an anticline belongs to the longitudinal fold, and bend flow makes the shaft coal thicken, the fissures of the two wings and inflection point is developed, and the water rich is strong, so that the gas content in the shaft is abnormally increased, and the two wings are low; the coal seam in Yi’an anticline area is subjected to intense compression and forms structural coal, and coal and gas outburst accidents are easy to occur in the abnormal area of coal structure; the anticline structure has influence on coal structure and coal quality. Its geometry is favorable for heat accumulation and spontaneous combustion of coal seam.
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