Relationship Between Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Elastic Modulus of Rocks Based on Different Lithological Characters
Graphical Abstract
In order to study the relationship between uniaxial compressive strength and elastic modulus of rocks in coal measure strata, taking 378 groups of rock sample from a mine in Huainan Mining Area as the research object, these rock samples are divided into 6 categories based on different lithological characters. Taking the uniaxial compressive strength as the dependent variable and the elastic modulus as the independent variable, three regression models including linear function, quadratic function and power function are used to fit the relationship between these two parameters respectively, and then some regression correlation expressions are obtained. Through analysis and comparison, six correlation expressions between these two parameters are set up respectively for these six lithological characters of rock samples and the reliability and applicability of the given regression correlation expressions is shown through the application in Gubei Coal Mine.