Deformation Mechanism and Control Technology of Roadway in Coal Seam Group Mining Along Fault Working Face
Graphical Abstract
In this paper, numerical simulation and field measurement method are used to analyze the reasons of abnormal strata behaviors of roadway, and the instability mechanism and key factors of surrounding rock are obtained. The results show that fault weakens the protective effects of upper liberated layer, and the high and concentrated static pressure of coal pillar, dynamic load induced by roof instability, superposition of tectonic stress and mining stress, and the timing of support are the main causes of abnormal strata behaviors of roadway. Based on the principle of asymmetric coupling support and “strong, weak, strong” structure formation mechanism, combined with the actual situation, this article proposes “reinforcing support of weak parts + pressure relief by drilling ” control technology. Mine pressure observation results show that the total deformation amount of roadway surrounding rock is significantly reduced compared with the original support, hydrodynamic phenomenon significantly reduced, and surrounding rock deformation is effectively controlled.