Surrounding Rock Control Technology of Deep Soft Rock Down-dip Gateway in Liuqiao No.1 Coal Mine
Graphical Abstract
With the gradual increase of mining depth, the surrounding rock stability of deep soft rock tunnel excavation control problem has become a major problem restricting the development of coal mining in deep well. In order to research the surrounding rock control theory of deep soft rock roadway and supporting technology, taking II66 down-dip gateway in -810 m level of No.1 Liuqiao Mine as supporting engineering practice. By engineering geological investigation, laboratory test and numerical simulation methods, we analyze the deformation and instability mechanism of deep soft rock roadway surrounding rock down the hill under complicated condition, and the anchor- net- cable-grouting multilevel combination control scheme is proposed. The scheme, in particular, focuses on the reinforcement and strengthening of the roadway deformation and failure, specially supports the serious deformation and failure side of the surrounding rock. The field industrial test shows that the surrounding rock deformation is effectively controlled by the proposed method.