Study and Application of Efficient Pore-forming in Hard Rock Formations of Coal Mine
Graphical Abstract
At the coal mining areas of Anhui Huainan and Henan Yima, the drilling efficiency was low and the consumption of the bit was big when drilling was in hard rock. By optimizing bit structure, introducing ultra-high pressure hydraulic impactor method, the arc angle bit rotary drilling, low pressure hydraulic rotary percussion drilling and super high pressure hydraulic impact rotary drilling and other three kinds of drilling process are studied, and four kinds of assembly and seven groups of engineering test were conducted. Tests show that for different levels of rock hardness, the difference of drilling efficiency by three kinds of drilling technology is bigger, the super high pressure hydraulic impact rotary drilling and arc type bit rotary drilling are two more efficient ways; when drilling is in the rock with consistence coefficient f = 15, the drilling efficiency of super high pressure hydraulic impactor is about seven times of that of pneumatic impactor.