Research and Application of Directional Drilling Technology for Thick Coal Seam Roof
Graphical Abstract
In Baode Coal Mine, the deep main roadway of the third panel area spreads and becomes whole coal roadway. The thickness of regional coal seam is more than 7.4 m, the roadway excavation is carried out along the coal seam floor, and the height of roadway is 3.8 m. By constructing downward long directional drilling along the 8# coal seam roof in the extension area of deep main roadway in the third panel area, the advanced pre-pumping is conducted in the excavation area, the gas pressure and the gas content decreases greatly. The roadway excavation causes the formation of free space, and produces micro-crack loose zone, thereby increases the permeability of the surrounding rock. During the roadway excavation, the directional drilling of coal seam roof is taken as highly-located hole pumping in coal seam roof, which reduces the amount of gas emission in heading face and solves the problem of roadway laminar flow. By using the directional drilling technology for thick coal seam roof, the gas problems of heading faces are solved reasonably.