Research on Thermal Metamorphism of Coal with Intrusive Magmatic Rock of Different Attitudes
Graphical Abstract
In order to study the thermal metamorphism and effect laws of different attitudes magma intrusion on coal seams, based on theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and coal samples testing in laboratory, it built the heat conduction mathematical model after the magma intrusion into coal-bearing strata. Combined with the multiple physical parameters determination results of continuous selection test sample of the coal mine in research area, the thermal metamorphism of coal with intrusive magmatic rock of different attitudes was further discussed. The results showed that the thermal metamorphism effective area of the bedrock in Haizi Coal Mine was greater than the area of rock wall of Daxing Coal Mine, and the effective time of the former was longer than the latter. The test showed that the maximum vitrinite reflectance Romax increased when the coal was near the rocks for magmatic rock of different attitudes,Romax inferred by simulating temperature was close to the measured, which indicated that the intrusive magmatic rock increased outburst risk of coal seam.