The Application of Roof Cutting and Pressure Relief Blasting Technology in Gob-side Entry Retaining
Graphical Abstract
For the problem of surrounding rock deformation of gob-side entry retaining of thin coal seam in bailin Coal Mine of Sichuan Coal Group Dazhu Coal-electricity Group Company, the basic principle of roof cutting and pressure relief blasting and the 0456(k24)working-face and roadway was analyzed by adopted the method of combining the theory analysis and the test of practice. This article departures from the practice of the conveyor roadway of 0456(K24) working face, then the technology of roof cutting and pressure relief blasting at god-side entry retaining was introduced, and the parameters of this technology is established. The results of industrial test shows that the effect is obvious about the technology of roof cutting and pressure relief blasting at god-side entry retaining, the roadway roof deformation is small, which is benefit to the safe and high-efficient mining of thin coal seam.