Research on Coal Mine′s Safety Management Based on Post Competency
Graphical Abstract
Post competency model is a objective, standard, quantitative method for human resource management, it provides a new, scientific and rational post dispossition method for safety production management of coal enterprises, and provides a strong basis for constantly optimizing the organizational structure of the mine. In this paper, taking miners in Wangzhuang Coal Mine as an example, the application process of post competency in the coal mine safety management is expained. First of all, clearing working requirements of miner and using these measurement methods of questionnaire investigation, interview and observation to establish miner's post competency model; then, using the miner's competency model to measure different miners' post competency;at the end, according to the individual characteristics of coal miners and the requirements of position, providing reasonable jobs for miners. Based on the post competency, coal mine's safty management will reduce hidden troubles because the miner's personality is not suitable for post job requirements,at the same time,it can improve the safety of enterprise management level, reduce the rate of coal accidents.