• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


彭相愿, 高富强

彭相愿, 高富强. 加载角度对煤声发射特征的影响试验研究[J]. 煤矿安全, 2023, 54(2): 121-127.
引用本文: 彭相愿, 高富强. 加载角度对煤声发射特征的影响试验研究[J]. 煤矿安全, 2023, 54(2): 121-127.
PENG Xiangyuan, GAO Fuqiang. Acoustic emission characteristics of coal rocks under different loading angles[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2023, 54(2): 121-127.
Citation: PENG Xiangyuan, GAO Fuqiang. Acoustic emission characteristics of coal rocks under different loading angles[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2023, 54(2): 121-127.


Acoustic emission characteristics of coal rocks under different loading angles

  • 摘要: 为得到不同层理煤声发射参数并为其破裂机制和破裂前兆分析及判定提供参考,进行了层理角度为45°、90°、0°煤样单轴压缩声发射实验研究,分析不同加载角度煤样b值与应力及能量所对应关系,研究其声发射参数RA与AF值变化规律,并分析了加载角度为0°下的声发射b值与声发射r值。结果表明:峰值应力之后能量大量释放导致微裂纹贯通成大裂纹;加载角度为45°和90°的煤样b值相接近且明显大于0°煤样,各试件在达到峰值应力后b值均有下降趋势;加载角度为45°时,煤样破坏形式为张剪复合破坏;加载角度为90°和0°时煤样破坏形成为张拉破坏;b值大幅下降时段与r值大幅增加时段相同,r值可作为描述煤破坏程度的1个指标。
    Abstract: In order to obtain the acoustic emission parameters of different bedding coal and provide reference for the analysis and determination of its fracture mechanism and fracture precursors, the uniaxial compression acoustic emission experimental study of coal samples with bedding angles of 45°, 90° and 0° was carried out, the corresponding relationship between b values of coal samples with different loading angles and stress and energy was analyzed, the variation laws of acoustic emission parameters RA and AF values were studied, and the b value and r value under loading angle of 0 ° were analyzed. The results show that: after the peak stress, a large amount of energy is released, resulting in the penetration of micro cracks into large cracks. The b values of coal samples with loading angles of 45 ° and 90 ° are close to and significantly greater than that of 0 ° coal sample, and the b value of each specimen decreases after reaching the peak stress; when the loading angle is 45 °, the failure form of coal sample is tension shear composite failure. The loading angles of 90 ° and 0 ° are mainly tensile failure; the period of sharp decrease of b value is the same as that of sharp increase of r value, and r value can be used as an index to describe the degree of coal damage.
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    1. 刘正茂,李虎,张智柳,郑植,朱阳涛,高陈亮,王国普,丁锋,黄仁屏,邓良涛. 考虑加载角度影响的煤岩组合体巴西劈裂试验研究. 能源与环保. 2024(12): 248-253 . 百度学术


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