• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


朱宴南, 付合英, 杨志佳, 肖钢

朱宴南, 付合英, 杨志佳, 肖钢. 矿区通信基站直流漏电保护的研究[J]. 煤矿安全, 2022, 53(12): 150-154.
引用本文: 朱宴南, 付合英, 杨志佳, 肖钢. 矿区通信基站直流漏电保护的研究[J]. 煤矿安全, 2022, 53(12): 150-154.
ZHU Yannan, FU Heying, YANG Zhijia, XIAO Gang. Research on DC leakage protection of communication base station in mining area[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2022, 53(12): 150-154.
Citation: ZHU Yannan, FU Heying, YANG Zhijia, XIAO Gang. Research on DC leakage protection of communication base station in mining area[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2022, 53(12): 150-154.


Research on DC leakage protection of communication base station in mining area

  • 摘要: 为了解决露天煤矿矿区智慧消防系统通信基站的高压直流(HVDC)供电系统当任意支路绝缘下降时,形成对人身触电危险性的问题,提出了基于信号注入法的高压直流供电系统电缆在线绝缘保护;论述了HVDC供电电缆绝缘在线检测技术原理及方法,设计了高压直流供电系统漏电故障检测系统,通过8条不同长度线路,依次进行了不同程度绝缘下降进行高压直流供电系统电缆漏电模拟实验。研究结果表明:当高压直流供电系统8条不同长度供电电缆发生不同程度的漏电时,在线绝缘检测系统能够准确选出发生漏电故障的线路,并测量出绝缘下降的程度,其误差在±5%的范围内;该漏电保护装置为人身触电安全提供了保障。
    Abstract: In order to solve the problem that the high-voltage DC power supply system of the communication base station of the intelligent fire protection system in the open-pit coal mine area has the risk of personal electric shock when the insulation of any branch decreases, an on-line insulation protection of the high-voltage DC power supply system cable based on the signal injection method is proposed. We discuss the principle and method of HVDC power supply cable insulation on-line detection technology, and design a leakage fault detection system for HVDC power supply system. The leakage simulation experiment of HVDC power supply system cable is carried out through eight lines of different lengths and different degrees of insulation drop successively. The research results show that when the leakage of eight power cables of different lengths occurs in the HVDC power supply system, the on-line insulation detection system can accurately select the line of leakage fault and measure the degree of insulation decline, and the error is within the range of ±5%. The leakage protection device provides a guarantee for personal electric shock safety.
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  • 发布日期:  2022-12-19


