
    Research on coordinated control method of coal mine gas control information

    • 摘要: 为了解决煤矿防突信息获取不及时、易失真等问题,基于过程控制理论开展瓦斯治理信息协同管控方法研究,建立了以防突细则附录A为总过程,计划、措施、管理、测试等4类20种子过程的瓦斯治理过程模型,由此提出一种瓦斯治理信息管理框架以满足瓦斯治理过程中各类信息接入和管理的需求,并通过地点生命周期、子过程状态、数据审核来保证数据的可靠;把瓦斯治理具体工作重构、拆分成25个不同基本工作单元并建立跨部门瓦斯治理动态工作流,确保治理质量可靠、可追溯;开发了相应管理系统,实现了瓦斯治理业务数据在矿井内部横向和纵向流动,以保证矿井瓦斯治理工作管理的协同调度、集中管控,创新了煤矿瓦斯治理工作管理模式。部分成果在东庞矿进行了应用。


      Abstract: In order to solve the problems of not timely obtaining and easy distortion of anti-outburst information in coal mine, based on the process control theory, the collaborative control method of gas management information was studied, and the gas management process model of four categories and 20 sub-procedures, including the total process, plan, measure, management and test, was established in appendix A of the rules for preventing outburst. A gas management information management framework is proposed to meet the needs of various types of information access and management in the gas management process, and ensure the reliability of data through site life cycle, sub-process status and data review. The specific work of gas management was reconstructed and divided into 25 different basic work units, and the cross-departmental dynamic workflow of gas management was established to ensure reliable and traceable management quality. The corresponding management system is developed to realize the horizontal and longitudinal flow of gas control business data in the mine, so as to ensure the collaborative scheduling and centralized management of mine gas control work management and to innovate the management mode of coal mine gas control work. Some of the results have been applied in Dongpang Mine.


