
    Application of screen tube hole protection technology in drainage engineering of weakly cemented sand mudstone interactive formation

    • 摘要: 工作面顶板水预疏放是我国西部矿区煤矿水害防治的主要手段之一。受到普遍发育的弱胶结砂泥岩交互地层影响,疏放水钻孔极易塌孔、缩径,堵塞疏水通道,导致钻孔涌水量短时间内迅速衰减。通过在钻孔中安装总长度大于不稳定层深度的钢制筛管可以有效解决塌孔问题,采用钻孔涌水量衰减率和疏放水总量作为疏放水效果评价指标,安装筛管后钻孔30 d疏放效率较未安装前提升了49.3%,且相同时间段内钻孔疏放水量增加了10倍。


      Abstract: The pre-drainage of roof water in working face is one of the main means of water disaster prevention and control in coal mines in western China. Affected by the widely developed weakly cemented sand mudstone interactive stratum, the drainage drilling hole is easy to collapse and shrink, blocking the drainage channel, resulting in the rapid attenuation of the water inflow in a short time. The problem of hole collapse can be effectively solved by installing a steel screen tube with a total length longer than the depth of the unstable layer in the drilling. The attenuation rate of drilling water inflow and the total amount of drainage are used as the evaluation indexes of drainage effect. After installing the screen, the drainage efficiency of drilling for 30 days is increased by 49.3% compared with that before installation, and the drainage water in the drilling is increased by 10 times in the same time period.


