
    A method for extracting sub-regional deformation of mining subsidence based on SAR technology

    • 摘要: 针对合成孔径雷达差分干涉测量(DInSAR)和偏移跟踪(Offset-Tracking,OT)技术在沉陷盆地边缘小形变和中心大形变交汇区域适用性低的问题,提出1种融合累积DInSAR和自适应OT的开采沉陷全盆地分区形变提取方法;该方法以相干系数和地表形变梯度为阈值,将矿区开采沉陷盆地划分为3种不同形变量级区域。以大柳塔煤矿52303工作面开采沉陷盆地为研究对象,结合同期现场实测数据对比验证,采用融合方法得到的中等量级形变监测结果均方根误差(RMSE)小于0.05 m,研究区地表完整形变RMSE小于0.11 m。融合方法为实现矿区开采沉陷盆地进行精细监测提供1种新的路径。


      Abstract: Aiming at the problem of low applicability of differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar(DInSAR) and offset tracking(OT) technologies in the intersection area of small-scale and large-scale deformation in the edge and center of the subsidence basin, a method for extracting sub-regional deformation of mining subsidence by fusing cumulative DInSAR and adaptive OT is proposed. The method using the coherence coefficient and surface deformation gradient as thresholds to classify mining subsidence basins into three areas of different deformation scales. This paper takes 52303 working face mining subsidence basin of Daliuta Coal Mine as the study object, by combining with the surface measured data of the same period, the root mean square error(RMSE) of the medium scale deformation results by fusion method is less than 0.05 m, the RMSE of the study area is less than 0.11 m. It provides a new method for achieving fine monitoring of mining subsidence basins.


