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  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊



马文伟. 大采高坚硬顶板工作面巷道围岩控制技术[J]. 煤矿安全, 2022, 53(8): 94-103.
引用本文: 马文伟. 大采高坚硬顶板工作面巷道围岩控制技术[J]. 煤矿安全, 2022, 53(8): 94-103.
MA Wenwei. Study on surrounding rock control technology of roadway in large mining height hard roof face[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2022, 53(8): 94-103.
Citation: MA Wenwei. Study on surrounding rock control technology of roadway in large mining height hard roof face[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2022, 53(8): 94-103.


Study on surrounding rock control technology of roadway in large mining height hard roof face

  • 摘要: 当深部采煤工作面顶板上覆岩层中存在厚度较大的坚硬岩层时,坚硬岩层不易垮落,回转下沉过程中会造成采煤工作面和煤柱内支承应力急剧增加,造成矿压显现异常明显,巷道围岩控制难度大。以存在坚硬顶板的保德煤矿3304工作面为研究对象,采用理论分析、数值模拟、现场实践等方法,提出切顶卸压、留设合理煤柱宽度、强帮强角锚杆支护相结合的巷道围岩控制方案,研究合理参数对巷道围岩的控制效果。结果显示,切顶高度为16 m,切顶角度为10°,护巷煤柱宽度为7 m时,巷道围岩的控制效果较好;采用强帮强角支护技术后,巷道围岩的整体性增强,最大顶底板移近量和两帮移近量差值降低76.56%。
    Abstract: When there is a thick hard rock layer in the overlying strata of the roof of the deep coal mining face, the hard rock layer is not easy to collapse. In the process of rotary subsidence, the supporting stress in the coal mining face and coal pillar will increase sharply, resulting in abnormal ground pressure behavior and great difficulty in controlling the surrounding rock of the roadway. Taking 3304 working face with hard roof of Baode Coal Mine as the research object, using the methods of theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and field practice, this paper proposed the control scheme of roadway surrounding rock combined with roof cutting and pressure relief, reasonable width of coal pillar and bolt support with strong side and strong angle, and studies the control effect of reasonable parameters on roadway surrounding rock. The results show that when the cutting height is 16 m, the cutting angle is 10°, and the width of roadway pillar is 7 m, the control effect of roadway surrounding rock is better; after adopting strong side and strong angle support technology, the integrity of roadway surrounding rock is enhanced, and the difference between the maximum roof and floor displacement and the two sides displacement is reduced by 76.56%.
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  • 发布日期:  2022-08-19


