• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


唐建新, 李伟, 张择靖, 杜维毅, 郑英建

唐建新, 李伟, 张择靖, 杜维毅, 郑英建. 重复采动下陡岩变形破坏特征分析[J]. 煤矿安全, 2022, 53(7): 215-220,226.
引用本文: 唐建新, 李伟, 张择靖, 杜维毅, 郑英建. 重复采动下陡岩变形破坏特征分析[J]. 煤矿安全, 2022, 53(7): 215-220,226.
TANG Jianxin, LI Wei, ZHANG Zejing, DU Weiyi, ZHENG Yingjian. Analysis of deformation and failure characteristics of steep rock under repeated mining[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2022, 53(7): 215-220,226.
Citation: TANG Jianxin, LI Wei, ZHANG Zejing, DU Weiyi, ZHENG Yingjian. Analysis of deformation and failure characteristics of steep rock under repeated mining[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2022, 53(7): 215-220,226.


Analysis of deformation and failure characteristics of steep rock under repeated mining

  • 摘要: 针对含软弱夹层的顺层陡岩受地下重复采煤的影响,采用离散元数值软件UDEC模拟陡岩下方缓斜近距离煤层群区段上行开采,分析陡岩的变形破坏特征。研究结果表明:在重复采动过程中,开采不同煤层时,基底岩层的下沉曲线、水平位移曲线、垂直应力曲线以及剪应力曲线的变化趋势基本相同;上煤层开采后,陡岩坡肩卸荷裂缝会向下贯穿软弱夹层,在坡肩处形成危岩体;中、下煤层开采后采动裂隙会继续由上往下向坡体内延伸到基底岩层附近造成陡岩山体断裂;随着重复采动次数的增加,陡岩的变形破坏程度会急剧增大。
    Abstract: In view of the influence of underground repeated mining on the bedding steep rock with weak interlayer, this paper uses the discrete element numerical software UDEC to simulate the upward mining in the gently inclined short-distance coal seam group under the steep rock, and analyzes the deformation and failure characteristics of the steep rock. The results show that the variation trend of subsidence curve, horizontal displacement curve, vertical stress curve and shear stress curve of basement rock is basically the same in the process of repeated mining when different coal seams are mined; the unloading crack of the steep rock slope shoulder will penetrate the weak interlayer downward and form a dangerous rock body at the slope shoulder after the mining of the upper coal seam. After the middle and lower coal seams are mined, the mining fissures will continue to extend from top to bottom into the slope body and near the basement rock layer, resulting in steep rock mountain fracture; with the increase of repeated mining times, the deformation and failure degree of steep rock will increase sharply.
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