
    Research on stress distribution and deformation law of surrounding rock of deep and large mining height gob-side entry retaining

    • 摘要: 为研究高水充填材料的力学性能,达到巷旁充填的目的,通过对不同水灰比的高水材料进行单轴压缩试验,分析其单轴应力-应变关系和不同阶段强度与养护时间的关系;以屯兰矿为工程背景,运用FLAC3D数值模拟软件,研究了沿空留巷在巷道掘进和留巷过程中的围岩应力演化规律和变形特征。结果表明:随着水灰比的增大,高水充填材料强度明显降低;水灰比为1.5∶1时材料单轴抗压强度为6.62 MPa,水灰比为2∶1时,材料单轴抗压强度为4.08 MPa,水灰比为2.5∶1时,材料单轴抗压强度为2.85 MPa,分别降低了38%和60%;巷道掘进阶段,顶底板最大移近量为45.6 mm,回采期间顶底板最大移近量203.0 mm;留巷期间,在超前工作面30 m范围以内,巷道受采动影响较大,顶板明显下沉。


      Abstract: To study the mechanical properties of high water filling materials, achieving the purpose of filling the side of the roadway, through uniaxial compression tests on high water materials with different water-cement ratios, we analyze the relationship of uniaxial stress-strain and the relationship of strength and maintenance at different stages. Taking Xishan Coal and Electricity Tunlan Mine as the engineering background, the deformation characteristics of the surrounding and the stress evolution law were investigated by numerical analysis. The results show that with the increase of water-cement ratio, the strength of high-water filling material decreases obviously, the uniaxial compressive strength of the material is 6.62 MPa when the water-cement ratio is 1.5∶1, 4.08 MPa when the water-cement ratio is 2∶1, and 2.85 MPa when the water-cement ratio is 2.5∶1, which are reduced by 38% and 60%, respectively; in the tunneling stage, the maximum roof and floor movement is 45.6 mm, and the maximum roof and floor movement is 203.0 mm during mining. During the period of roadway retention, the roadway is greatly affected by mining within 30 m of the advance working face, and the roof obviously sinks.


