• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


陈可夯, 王朋飞, 翟黎伟

陈可夯, 王朋飞, 翟黎伟. 特厚煤层孤岛工作面全煤巷道锚索支护技术研究与应用[J]. 煤矿安全, 2021, 52(12): 106-114.
引用本文: 陈可夯, 王朋飞, 翟黎伟. 特厚煤层孤岛工作面全煤巷道锚索支护技术研究与应用[J]. 煤矿安全, 2021, 52(12): 106-114.
CHEN Kehang, WANG Pengfei, ZHAI Liwei. Research and application of anchor cable support technology for whole coal roadway in isolated working face of extra-thick coal seam[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2021, 52(12): 106-114.
Citation: CHEN Kehang, WANG Pengfei, ZHAI Liwei. Research and application of anchor cable support technology for whole coal roadway in isolated working face of extra-thick coal seam[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2021, 52(12): 106-114.


Research and application of anchor cable support technology for whole coal roadway in isolated working face of extra-thick coal seam

  • 摘要: 鹤煤九矿首次在3204上煤巷使用全煤锚索支护,但原支护条件下变形量较大,支护强度不足,效果差,为此,对3204下煤巷顶板支护方式进行了研究和优化;分析了不同顶板锚索支护方式下3204下煤巷塑性区发育、巷道围岩应力分布和巷道顶板下沉规律;综合现场施工和支护成本后,确定锚索支护从“3-0-3”方式改变为“4-3-4”方式;优化后3204下煤巷巷道变形量明显降低。优化方案在鹤煤三矿4101工作面上煤巷推广应用,现场监测数据显示,该巷道顶底板最大移近量129 mm,两帮最大移近量140 mm,顶板离层量最大值20 mm,支护效果较好。
    Abstract: It is the first time for Hebi No.9 mine to use the whole coal anchor cable support in 3204 upper coal roadway. However, the original support condition has large deformation, insufficient support strength and poor effect. Therefore, the roof support mode of 3204 lower coal roadway is studied and optimized. The plastic zone development, surrounding rock stress distribution and roof subsidence law of 3204 coal roadway under different roof anchor cable support are analyzed. After comprehensive on-site construction and support cost, it is determined that the anchor cable support is changed from “3-0-3” to “4-3-4”. After optimization, the deformation of 3204 lower coal roadway is significantly reduced. The optimization scheme is applied to the 4101 coal roadway on the working face of Hebi No. 3 mine. The field monitoring data shows that the maximum displacement of roof and floor is 129 mm, the maximum displacement of two sides is 140 mm, and the maximum displacement of roof separation is 20 mm.
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