• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


谷丽东, 汪凯斌, 赵佳佳

谷丽东, 汪凯斌, 赵佳佳. 矿用电磁随钻测量装置及应用[J]. 煤矿安全, 2021, 52(9): 136-141.
引用本文: 谷丽东, 汪凯斌, 赵佳佳. 矿用电磁随钻测量装置及应用[J]. 煤矿安全, 2021, 52(9): 136-141.
GU Lidong, WANG Kaibin, ZHAO Jiajia. Mine-used electromagnetic MWD system and its application[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2021, 52(9): 136-141.
Citation: GU Lidong, WANG Kaibin, ZHAO Jiajia. Mine-used electromagnetic MWD system and its application[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2021, 52(9): 136-141.


Mine-used electromagnetic MWD system and its application

  • 摘要: 针对有线随钻测量装置的中心通缆钻杆制造成本高、通缆接头易损坏等问题,研制了一种矿用电磁波随钻测量装置。该装置由专用工控机、测量探管、电磁传输探管等部件组成,以钻杆和地层为传输信道,并采用智能电源管理单元延长仪器工作时间。煤矿井下试验结果表明:电磁随钻测量系统工作稳定、测量数据准确、电磁传输可靠,且无需使用中心通缆钻杆,既提高了井下定向钻进的可靠性又显著降低了钻进成本,满足煤矿井下各类定向钻孔的随钻测量要求。
    Abstract: Aiming at the problems of high manufacturing cost and easy damage of communication cable joint in the central cable type drill pipe, which is the cable transmission device for directional drilling in underground coal mine, an electromagnetic measurement while drilling(EM-MWD) system used in coal mine is developed. The system is composed of special industrial computer, measuring tube, electromagnetic transmission tube, etc. It adopts the electromagnetic transmission mode with the drill pipe and the formation as the communication channel. The underground test results of coal mine show that the EM- MWD system works stably with correct measurement data and reliable electromagnetic transmission, and there is no need to use the central cable drill pipe, which not only improves the reliability of downhole directional drilling but also significantly reduces the drilling cost. The mine-used EM-MWD system could satisfy various requirements of directional drilling in coal mine.
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  • 发布日期:  2021-09-19


