Application of transient electromagnetic method in exploring karst aquifer in Qinglong Coal Mine of Qianbei Mining Area
摘要: 为了整体掌握黔北矿区青龙煤矿二采区顶板岩溶发育情况及水力联系,以青龙煤矿二采区邻近驮煤河指定区域为主要研究对象,采用地质分析、瞬变电磁法探查、钻探验证3种手段相互综合验证的方法进行分析研究。结果表明:矿井二采区16号煤顶板存在复合含水层,且各含水层的富水性不均一。根据数据资料成果,对各地层进行了若干个低阻异常区的划分及边界圈定,分析发现5处异常区,其中I、II号异常区的范围相对较大,幅值相对较强;III、IV、V号异常区的范围相对较小,幅值相对中等。综合分析认为I、II号异常区为目前16号煤层顶板岩溶含水层的主要异常区。经过现场钻探验证,验证结果与探测结果具有较高的重合度,应用效果良好。Abstract: In order to comprehensively grasp the development of roof karst and hydraulic connection in the second mining area of Qinglong Coal Mine in the northern Guizhou Mining Area, the designated area near Tuomeihe in the second mining area of Qinglong Coal Mine is taken as the main research object, and three methods of geological analysis, transient electromagnetic exploration and drilling verification are adopted to conduct analysis and research. The results show that there is a compound aquifer in the roof of No.16 coal in the second mining area of the mine, and the water content of each aquifer is not uniform. According to the results of data, several low-resistivity abnormal areas were divided and delineated, and five abnormal areas were found. Among them, the range of I and II abnormal areas was relatively large and the amplitude was relatively strong. The anomaly range of III, IV and V is relatively small and the amplitude is relatively medium. Comprehensive analysis shows that I and II abnormal areas are the main abnormal areas of No.16 coal seam roof at present. Through the field drilling verification, the verification result and the detection result have a high coincidence degree, and the application effect is good.
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