
    Stability analysis of seepage slope based on Darcy’s law

    • 摘要: 为了研究长期降雨对新疆某露天煤矿采场南部边坡的影响,以及降雨后不同时间段边坡内部孔隙水压力的变化情况,采用达西定律、Van Genuchten模型及数值模拟的方法,对现状边坡进行降雨后的稳定性分析。研究结果表明:长期降雨影响采场南帮边坡内部的孔隙水压力变化不大,而上部边坡出现正孔隙水压力;长期降雨使得地下水位线上升,边坡黏聚力减弱,抗剪强度变小,导致边坡瞬态安全系数降低。


      Abstract: In order to study the influence of long-term rainfall on the southern slope of an open-pit coal mine in Xinjiang, and the variation of pore water pressure in the slope at different periods after rainfall, Darcy’s law and Van Genuchten model and numerical simulation method are used to analyze the stability of the existing slope after rainfall; the research results show that: under the influence of long-term rainfall, the pore water pressure in the south slope of the stope changes little, while the positive pore water pressure appears in the upper slope. The long-term rainfall makes the underground water level rise, the cohesion of the slope decreases, and the shear strength decreases, which leads to the transient safety system of the slope.


