
    Experimental study on law of surface subsidence under the condition of large mining depth and thick bedrock

    • 摘要: 为研究鄂尔多斯地区风积砂覆盖、厚基岩、大采深条件下的地表沉陷规律,在母杜柴登30201与30202工作面对应地表开展了地表移动观测工作。经对实测数据整理与计算,分析了该地质采矿条件下的地表沉陷特征。结果表明:母杜柴登煤矿由于采深较大,下沉盆地具有边缘坡度较小、较平缓、“盆形”盆地的特征不太明显的特征,由于多组厚硬砂岩层影响,边界角值较小、地表沉陷影响范围较大;地表移动变形剧烈程度较小、变形剧烈区主要集中在工作面对应地表上部。


      Abstract: In order to study the law of surface movement and deformation under conditions of aeolian sand cover, thick bedrock and large mining depth in Ordos Area, a surface movement observation station was carried out on the corresponding surface of Muduchaideng 30201 and 30202 working faces. After collating and calculating the measured data, surface subsidence characteristics under this geological mining condition are analyzed. Results show that, due to the large mining depth, surface subsidence basin is characterized by smaller edge slope, gentler edge slope and less obvious “basin-shaped” basin. Due to the influence of many groups of thick and hard sandstone layers, the boundary angle value is small and the influence range of surface subsidence is large. The deformation intensity is mainly concentrated in the mining working face corresponding to the upper surface.


