
    Monitoring of temporal and spatial evolution of surface deformation in Yuncheng Mining Area with DS-InSAR

    • 摘要: 郓城地区煤炭储量丰富,地下煤矿的大量开采导致地面出现不同程度的沉降,为了更好地掌握郓城矿区地表形变的时空演变特征,利用融合分布式目标的时序差分干涉测量(DS-InSAR)技术和2018年1月至2019年11月期间获取55景Sentinel-1A雷达影像对郓城矿区进行了地表形变监测。结果表明:DS-InSAR技术能有效地提取到分布在裸地和稀疏低矮植被区的分布式目标,可显著提升矿区监测点数量且其分布更加均匀,能够更加全面地反映了郓城矿区地表形变空间分布;形变分布图显示郓城矿区内李楼、郭屯煤矿形变量级较大,年最大沉降量可达100 mm,彭庄、赵楼煤矿地表形变较小,且不同年份沉降中心差异主要与郓城矿区地下开采活动变化密切相关。


      Abstract: Yuncheng Mining Area is rich in coal reserves, and a large number of underground coal mining leads to different degrees of ground subsidence. In order to understand the development of the deformation in mining region, both the 55 scene sentinel-1A radar images obtained from January 2018 to November 2019 and DS-InSAR method are employed for surface deformation observation and analysis. The monitoring results indicate that the DS-InSAR could effectively extract the distributed targets distributed in bare land and sparse low-vegetation areas, which can significantly increase the number of monitoring points in Yuncheng Mining Area and its distribution is more uniform, and can more comprehensively reflect the spatial distribution of surface deformation in Yuncheng Mining Area. The deformation distribution map yields that the subsidence of Lilou and Guotun coal mines in Yuncheng Mining Area is relatively large with maximum annual subsidence of 100 mm, while the deformation in Pengzhuang and Zhaolou Coal Mines is small. Generally, the occurrence of deformation in the four major coal mines in Yuncheng Mining Area is closely related to underground mining activities.


