
    Development of a kind of gel foam and its thermal stability

    • 摘要: 针对煤矿煤自燃问题,通过四因素三水平正交试验研制出了一种可用于煤矿井下高温区域防治煤自燃的凝胶泡沫材料,并通过凝胶泡沫的抗温性实验和恒温失水率实验对其热稳定性进行了研究。结果表明:具有三维网状结构的凝胶泡沫材料的抗温性能最好,相比普通泡沫和只加入稳泡剂的泡沫,抗温时长分别延长了55 min和35 min;凝胶泡沫的失水率主要受恒温时长的影响,时间越长失水率越大;失水速度的大小主要受温度的影响,温度越高,失水速度越快;90 ~140 ℃时,恒温5 h是失水率达到最大、失水速度趋于0的拐点。


      Abstract: Aiming at the coal spontaneous combustion problem in coal mines, a gel foam material that can be used to prevent coal spontaneous combustion in high-temperature areas in underground coal mines has been developed through four-factor and three-level orthogonal experiments. In addition, the thermal stability of the gel foam was studied through the temperature resistance test and the constant temperature water loss rate test. The research results show that the gel foam material with a three-dimensional network structure has the best temperature resistance. Compared with ordinary foam or foam with only foam stabilizer, the temperature resistance time is extended by 55 minutes and 35 minutes, respectively. The water loss rate of gel foam is mainly affected by the time of constant temperature, and the longer the time is, the greater the water loss rate is. The water loss rate is mainly affected by temperature, the higher the temperature is, and the faster the water loss rate is. When the temperature is from 90 ℃ to 140 ℃, the water loss rate reaches the maximum and the water loss rate tends to zero at a constant temperature of 5 h.


