
    Study on failure mode of surrounding rock in longwall face of steep coal seam

    • 摘要: 以新疆艾维尔沟煤矿为工程背景,借助底摩擦试验和FLAC3D数值软件,系统地分析了急倾斜煤层伪仰斜长壁工作面煤壁及顶底板的运移规律和破坏模式,参照费勒纽斯法定义求解了煤体的稳定性系数。研究表明:工作面中上部区域煤体率先发生破坏,易产生煤壁片帮飞溅和底板滑移现象,沿着不同轨迹对工作面下部区域及采空区残留煤矸形成强烈的冲击作用;生产实践中可以通过对煤体自身的重力(如采高)、顶板压力(如支架初撑力)、底板支撑力(如底座面积)、煤体破坏面的长度以及黏聚力(如注浆)等影响因素进行调节来控制煤体的稳定性;配合菱形金属网结合高强锚杆加固底板和“棕绳+环形注浆管+浆液”柔性加固煤壁等技术可以实现急倾斜煤层走向长壁工作面安全高效开采。


      Abstract: Taking a mine in Xinjiang as the engineering background, and with the help of an bottom friction test and FLAC3D software, the pseudo-inclined coal seam is systematically analyzed. The movement and failure modes of the coal wall and roof and floor of the inclined longwall face are defined and solved with reference to the Ferrenius method, and the stability coefficient of the coal body is solved. The research shows that the coal body in the upper and middle areas of the working face is the first to break, which is prone to coal wall spalling and floor slippage. It forms a strong impact on coal gangue remaining in the lower face and goaf along different trajectories. In the production practice, the stability of the coal body can be controlled by adjusting the influencing factors such as the gravity of the coal body, the pressure of the top plate, the supporting force of the bottom plate, the length of the broken surface of the coal body, and the cohesive force, combined with diamond-shaped metal mesh and high-strength anchors to strengthen the bottom plate and “brown rope + annular grouting pipe + slurry” flexible reinforcement of coal walls and other technologies, safe and efficient mining in steeply inclined coal seam long-wall face can be realized.


