• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


张振金, 杜涛涛

张振金, 杜涛涛. 深部双煤柱巷道冲击地压发生机制[J]. 煤矿安全, 2021, 52(4): 25-30.
引用本文: 张振金, 杜涛涛. 深部双煤柱巷道冲击地压发生机制[J]. 煤矿安全, 2021, 52(4): 25-30.
ZHANG Zhenjin, DU Taotao. Mechanism of rock burst in deep double pillar roadway[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2021, 52(4): 25-30.
Citation: ZHANG Zhenjin, DU Taotao. Mechanism of rock burst in deep double pillar roadway[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2021, 52(4): 25-30.


Mechanism of rock burst in deep double pillar roadway

  • 摘要: 针对红庆河煤矿深部双煤柱工作面临空巷道冲击地压显现强烈、破坏范围大、影响因素复杂的特征,采用地表观测、煤体应力监测、微震监测的方法,分析了影响静载荷的埋深、双宽煤柱留设和采动影响,以及影响动载的厚层顶板岩层结构和垮冒不充分的相邻采空区,研究了冲击地压发生的静载荷、动载荷演化过程,揭示了深部双煤柱巷道冲击地压发生机制。研究表明:深部双煤柱引起3-1103新辅运静载荷的组成包括基础载荷、采动应力及煤柱的侧向应力,叠加后的静载荷达到垂直应力的1.4~4.5倍,静载荷达到24.9~80.1 MPa,接近或超过煤体发生冲击地压的临界载荷;煤柱上方岩层结构向煤柱深部破坏失稳,释放弯曲下沉过程积聚的弹性能,引起煤柱的煤体应力升高,煤岩体的应力向深部转移,破坏位置距离3-1103工作面越来越近,从而诱发具有高应力集中的煤岩体失稳。
    Abstract: According to the characteristics of deep double coal pillar working face in Hongqinghe Coal Mine, such as strong rock burst, large damage range and complex influencing factors, the methods of surface observation, coal stress monitoring and micro-seismic monitoring were used to analyze the buried depth, double width coal pillar reservation and mining influence that affect static load, as well as the structure of thick roof strata that affects dynamic load and the adjacent goaf with insufficient caving. In this paper, the evolution process of static load and dynamic load of rock burst was studied, and the mechanism of rock burst was revealed. The research showed that the new auxiliary static load of 3-1103 caused by deep double coal pillar consists of foundation load, mining stress and lateral stress of coal pillars. The superimposed static load reached 1.4-4.5 times of the vertical stress, and the static load reaches 24.9-80.1 MPa, which is close to or exceeds the critical load of rock burst of coal seam. The rock structure above the coal pillars was damaged to the depth of the coal pillars, releasing the bending and sinking process. The accumulated elastic energy caused the stress of the coal pillar to rise, and the stress of the coal and rock mass transferred to the deep part. The failure position was closer and closer to the 3-1103 working face, thus inducing the instability of the coal and rock mass with high stress concentration.
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  • 发布日期:  2021-04-19


