• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


孙维丽, 师吉林, 张海洋, 赵亚明, 王 坤, 陈庆丰

孙维丽, 师吉林, 张海洋, 赵亚明, 王 坤, 陈庆丰. 低变质煤种煤自燃过程中生成CO的氧化中间官能团分析[J]. 煤矿安全, 2021, 52(3): 217-221.
引用本文: 孙维丽, 师吉林, 张海洋, 赵亚明, 王 坤, 陈庆丰. 低变质煤种煤自燃过程中生成CO的氧化中间官能团分析[J]. 煤矿安全, 2021, 52(3): 217-221.
SUN Weili, SHI Jilin, ZHANG Haiyang, ZHAO Yaming, WANG Kun, CHEN Qingfeng. Analysis on oxidative intermediate functional groups for CO formation during spontaneous combustion of low metamorphic coal[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2021, 52(3): 217-221.
Citation: SUN Weili, SHI Jilin, ZHANG Haiyang, ZHAO Yaming, WANG Kun, CHEN Qingfeng. Analysis on oxidative intermediate functional groups for CO formation during spontaneous combustion of low metamorphic coal[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2021, 52(3): 217-221.


Analysis on oxidative intermediate functional groups for CO formation during spontaneous combustion of low metamorphic coal

  • 摘要: CO气体作为伴随煤自燃氧化整个过程的标志气体,对煤自燃发火的预报具有非常重要的作用,但低变质煤种正常条件就可大量生成CO气体,干扰了低变质煤层开采区域矿井煤自燃的预报工作。通过采集内蒙古平庄古山矿、神东矿区补连塔煤矿,陕西神木矿区大柳塔煤矿,宁夏灵武矿区枣泉矿,新疆大南湖矿区大南湖一矿5个典型矿井的煤样,经隔氧破碎处理后,利用隔氧程序升温和傅里叶光干涉实验,研究了5个矿区煤样隔氧升温过程中的CO产生规律;分析了有无隔氧升温过程煤样煤分子上的活性官能团种类;认为煤分子上的羰基(C=O)、羧基(-COOH)、醚(-O-CH3)等含碳氧基团是常温下低变质煤种CO气体的产生与有直接关系,即这些含碳-氧基团为低变质煤种常温下生成CO的氧化中间官能团。
    Abstract: CO gas, as a marker gas in the whole process of coal spontaneous combustion, plays a very important role in the prediction of coal spontaneous combustion. However, a large amount of CO gas can be generated under normal conditions of low-metamorphic coal, which interferes with the prediction of coal spontaneous combustion in low-metamorphic coal seam mining area. Coal samples were collected from five typical mines in Gushan Mine in Pingzhuang, Bulianta Coal Mine in Shendong, Daliuta Coal Mine in Shenmu Mining Area in Shaanxi, Zaoquan Mine in Lingwu Mining Area in Ningxia, and No.1 Mine in Dananhu Mine in Dananhu Mining area in Xinjiang. After oxygen isolation crushing treatment, the CO generation law of coal samples in 5 mining areas during oxygen isolation heating process was studied by using oxygen isolation program heating and Fourier optical interference experiment, and the types of active functional groups on coal molecules with or without oxygen separation heating were analyzed. It was believed that carbonyl (C=O), carboxyl (-COOh), ether (-O-CH3) and other oxygen-containing groups on coal molecules were directly related to the generation of CO gases in low-metamorphism coal at room temperature.
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  • 发布日期:  2021-03-19


