
    Determination of working face prediction indicators based on outburst feature of coal seam

    • 摘要: 为了确定突出煤层工作面突出预测敏感指标及合理临界值,以四季春煤矿6号煤层为例,通过总结矿井及邻近区域6号煤层的煤与瓦斯突出特征,构建了6号煤层工作面突出预测指标敏感性考察标准,基于敏感性考察标准统一对比了各工作面突出预测指标比值敏感程度,确定了6号煤层敏感指标钻屑瓦斯解析指标和辅助预测指标钻屑量。采用实验室测试和历史数据拟合计算、现场考察修正、扩大应用确定三步递进式敏感指标临界值确定方法,确定了6号煤层工作面突出预测敏感指标钻屑瓦斯解析指标临界值为0.51 mL/(g·min1/2),辅助预测指标钻屑量临界值为6 kg/m。


      Abstract: In order to accurately determine the sensitive index and reasonable critical value of outburst prediction in the working face of outburst coal seam, taking 6# coal seam of Sijichun Coal Mine as an example, by summarizing the characteristics of coal and gas outburst in 6# coal seam of the mine and adjacent areas, the sensitivity analysis standard of outburst prediction index of 6# coal seam was established. Based on the sensitivity inspection standard, the sensitivity of the ratio of outburst prediction index of each working face was compared, and the analytical index of drilling cuttings gas and auxiliary prediction index of drilling cuttings of coal seam were determined. By using laboratory test and historical data fitting calculation, field investigation and modification, and expanding the three-step progressive method, the critical value of drilling cuttings gas analysis index, the sensitive indicator for outburst prediction of 6# coal seam, is determined to be 0.51 mL/(g·m1/2), and the critical value of drilling cuttings, the auxiliary indicator, is 6 kg/m.


