• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


孙维丽, 师吉林, 张海洋, 赵亚明, 王 坤, 陈庆丰

孙维丽, 师吉林, 张海洋, 赵亚明, 王 坤, 陈庆丰. 低变质煤种CO吸收剂优选试验研究[J]. 煤矿安全, 2021, 52(2): 38-42.
引用本文: 孙维丽, 师吉林, 张海洋, 赵亚明, 王 坤, 陈庆丰. 低变质煤种CO吸收剂优选试验研究[J]. 煤矿安全, 2021, 52(2): 38-42.
SUN Weili, SHI Jilin, ZHANG Haiyang, ZHAO Yaming, WANG Kun, CHEN Qingfeng. Experimental study on optimal selection of CO absorbent for low metamorphism coal[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2021, 52(2): 38-42.
Citation: SUN Weili, SHI Jilin, ZHANG Haiyang, ZHAO Yaming, WANG Kun, CHEN Qingfeng. Experimental study on optimal selection of CO absorbent for low metamorphism coal[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2021, 52(2): 38-42.


Experimental study on optimal selection of CO absorbent for low metamorphism coal

  • 摘要: 低变质煤炭资源在我国储量丰富,其开采时存在未发现自然发火征兆但工作面回风隅角等区段CO体积分数超过0.002 4%的超限现象,威胁矿井的安全生产。选择氯化亚铜(CuCl)、溴化亚铜(CuBr)、氯化银(AgCl)、硝酸银(AgNO3)、氯化铜(CuCl2)5种材料做为CO吸收剂材料,设计了CO吸收剂吸收CO实验,开展了单一吸收剂溶液、多种吸收剂复配溶液对CO吸收实验。结果表明:CuCl、CuBr、AgCl、AgNO3对CO均有强度不同的吸收作用,CuCl单一溶液吸收效果最好,CuCl2对CO无吸收作用;含有CuCl的复配溶液与CuCl单一溶液对CO吸收效果相差不大,且当其溶液内CuCl过量时吸收效果更佳。
    Abstract: Low-metamorphic coal resources are abundant in China. In mining, the CO concentration exceeds the limit of 0.002 4% in areas such as the return corner of the working face without any signs of spontaneous ignition, which threatens the safe production of the mine. In this paper, five materials of cuprous chloride(CuCl), cuprous bromide(CuBr), silver chloride(AgCl), silver nitrate(AgNO3) and copper chloride(CuCl2) are selected as CO absorbent materials, designed the experiment of CO absorption by CO absorbent, and carried out the experiment of CO absorption by single absorbent solution and multiple absorbent compound solutions. Experimental results show, CuCl, CuBr, AgCl and AgNO3 all have different absorption effects on CO, the single CuCl solution has the best absorption effect, while CuCl2 has no absorption effect on CO; the compound solution containing CuCl and the CuCl single solution have little difference in CO absorption, and the absorption effect is better when the CuCl in the solution is excessive.
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