• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


张嘉睿, 夏玉成, 李涛, 王锐

张嘉睿, 夏玉成, 李涛, 王锐. Entropy-Kmeans方法在煤层气开发前景评价中的应用[J]. 煤矿安全, 2020, 51(8): 158-163.
引用本文: 张嘉睿, 夏玉成, 李涛, 王锐. Entropy-Kmeans方法在煤层气开发前景评价中的应用[J]. 煤矿安全, 2020, 51(8): 158-163.
ZHANG Jiarui, XIA Yucheng, LI Tao, WANG Rui. Application of Entropy-Kmeans in Evaluation of Coalbed Methane Development Prospect[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2020, 51(8): 158-163.
Citation: ZHANG Jiarui, XIA Yucheng, LI Tao, WANG Rui. Application of Entropy-Kmeans in Evaluation of Coalbed Methane Development Prospect[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2020, 51(8): 158-163.


Application of Entropy-Kmeans in Evaluation of Coalbed Methane Development Prospect

  • 摘要: 以彬长矿区某井田4#煤为例,通过综合分析确定了影响煤层气开发前景的主要因素,建立了该井田低煤阶煤层气开发前景评价体系。在此基础上利用熵权法(Entropy method)确定各影响因素的权重,通过K均值聚类法对评价结果进行划分,运用MapGIS圈定不同类型开发前景分区,从而克服了现行煤层气开发前景评价方法的某些局限性,提高了开发有利区域预测的准确性。研究认为:影响该井田4#煤煤层气开发前景的主要因素是资源条件(含气量、灰分、煤层净厚度)、赋存条件(构造位置、顶板厚度)、开发条件(渗透率、埋深);开发前景分为5类:极有利区、有利区、较有利区、中等区和不利区,有利区域主要分布在井田东北部。
    Abstract: This paper takes No.4 coal in a mine field in Binchang Mining Area as an example, the main factors affecting the development prospect of coalbed methane are determined through comprehensive analysis, and the evaluation system of the development prospect of coalbed methane is established. Based on that, entropy method is used to determine the weight of each influencing factor, the evaluation results are divided by the K-means clustering method, and MapGIS is used to delineate different types of development prospect, thereby overcoming some limitations of the current evaluation methods of coalbed methane development prospect, and improving the accuracy of prediction of favorable areas for development. The research believes that the main factors affecting the development prospect of the No.4 coalbed methane are resource conditions(gas content, ash content, net thickness of coal seam), occurrence conditions (tectonic location, roof thickness), and development conditions (permeability, burial depth); development prospect are divided into 5 categories: extremely favorable area, favorable area, relatively favorable area, medium area and unfavorable area. The favorable areas are mainly distributed in the northeast of the mine field.
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  • 发布日期:  2020-08-19


