
    Combustion Control Measures for High Gas Easy Spontaneous Combustion Working Face During Recovering Period

    • 摘要: 硫磺沟煤矿为高瓦斯矿井,W(9-15)102工作面为矿井首采工作面,布置在9-15#煤层,该煤层平均厚度32.94 m,分层开采。开采煤层为易自燃煤层,最短发火期为17 d。由于综采设备的庞大粗笨,工作面回撤所需的时间长,在综采支架撤除期间,采空区与支架顶部的浮煤极易发生自然发火事故。因此,有必要对综放工作面拆除期间自然发火原因进行分析,采取均压堵漏、注氮、注浆、注水、注胶等综合防灭火措施,保证安全生产。


      Abstract: Liuhuanggou Coal Mine is a high gas mine, W (9-15) 102 working face is the first mining face, which is laid in 9-15# coal seam, the average thickness of coal seam is 32.94 m, slicing mining. The coal seam is easy spontaneous combustion coal seam, the shortest combustion period is 17 days. Due to the huge and heavy mining equipments, the recovering of working face needs a long time. During mechanized mining support removing period, spontaneous combustion accidents are easily occurred bacause of the float coal on top part of the support and goaf. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze spontaneous combustion reasons during recovering at fully mechanized caving face. Pressure plugging, water injection, nitrogen injection, grouting, the glue and other comprehensive fire prevention measures are taken to ensure safety production.


