
    Application of Local Cooling System in Deep Mine Advancement

    • 摘要: 针对热害矿井井下热环境参数和煤岩温度,分析了矿井热害形成原因。根据矿井具体条件提出了适合济宁三号煤矿的掘进工作面热害治理方案。利用局部降温系统制取低温冷水,降低风流温度,介绍了系统工作原理、布置流程及其运行情况,并对深井降温效果进行了分析。结果表明,掘进迎头温度降低5~7℃,掘进巷道最高温度控制在30℃。局部降温系统可以有效缓解局部地点热害状况,改善井下作业环境。


      Abstract: For underground mine coal thermal environment and coal temperature parameters of heat hazard mine,this paper analyzed the causes of heat hazard in mine.According to the specific conditions of Jining No.3 coal mine,heat hazard management programme in drivage face was making.Utilizing local low-temperature water from cooling system,lower the heat of airflow,the paper introduced the system working principle,layout and operation processes,and analyzes the effect of deep mine cooling.The results showed that the lower the temperature in driving head-on 5 to 7 ℃,the highest temperature is 30 ℃.Local cooling system can effectively alleviate the situation of heat hazard of local sites and improve the underground working environment.


