
    Analysis of Safety Management Model Based on Management Grid Theory

    • 摘要: 从安全管理的2个主要维度—人本化管理和强制性管理出发,构建了安全管理方格图。通过对安全管理方格图分析,提出要建立理想的管理模式必须遵循安全管理两维度理念;必须提高员工的素质,使其正确认识人本化与强制性管理的辩证关系;加强安全文化建设,以推进人本化管理;创新强制性管理手段,实现煤矿企业的安全生产。


      Abstract: Safety management grid is built, which includes two dimensions of people-oriented management and rigid management. After analyzing the safety management grid, it proposes that to establish the ideal mode of management must follow two-dimension concept of safety management,must improve the quality of the staff, the dialectical relationship between the people-oriented management and rigid management will be correctly understood by staff. Strengthen the safety culture construction to promote people-oriented management. The rigid management tools should be innovated to realize safety production of coal mine.


