
    Smooth Blasting Technology on Blasting Excavation Face of Outburst Seam

    • 摘要: 通过对光面爆破原理的分析及其参数的计算,结合平顶山天安煤业十矿突出煤层炮掘工作面己15-24080机巷光面爆破技术的研究应用,发现光面爆破能使巷道成型规整,消除围岩的突出处应力集中,最大限度地保持了围岩自身强度,能较大减少掘进的超挖量,有效消除围岩的凹凸不平,减少通风阻力和瓦斯积聚,减少材料消耗,从而降低了成本,加快了掘进进度。


      Abstract: Through the analysis of smooth blasting principle and the calculation of its parameters, combining with the technology research and application at Ji15-24080 machine lane of No.10 coal mine in Pingmei Shares, the paper concludes that smooth blasting can make the tunnel forming regular, eliminate stress concentration in surrounding rock outburst points, keep the rock's own strength, and be larger to reduce over break volume of the excavation, also can effectively eliminate the surrounding rock uneven and reduce the ventilation resistance,accumulation of gas and material consumption. All these reduce the cost and accelerate tunneling progress.


